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Ice green blades.

We have thought about this for a long time and it is now finally the right time to develop our icy color tones and provide the market with a brand-new color palette. We introduce ice green as our first drop of the 2020/2021 season in a limited way.


The color.

Ice green was our first idea when developing the color of ice blue in to more drops. Green has always been a popular color on our blades and a mix together with icy tones felt right from the first time. When our samples arrived we knew it already. This is a new top color released right in time for the new season.

The color.

Ice green was our first idea when developing the color of ice blue in to more drops. Green has always been a popular color on our blades and a mix together with icy tones felt right from the first time. When our samples arrived we knew it already. This is a new top color released right in time for the new season.


The ice feeling.

Why not before, might be asked. The ice tones are not that simple to duplicate as we thought and therefor we have put a lot of effort in finding the right properties and color tones before a new launch. A special pigment is mixed with light colors and pp plastic to produce the ice feeling and now we go all in with ice for 2020/2021.

The ice green feeling.

Why not before, might be asked. The ice tones are not that simple to duplicate as we thought and therefor we have put a lot of effort in finding the right properties and color tones before a new launch. A special pigment is mixed with light colors and pp plastic to produce the ice feeling and now we go all in with ice for 2020/2021.


The four blade models.

