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In our mind, a small detail can be just as impressive as the large general design. Below we list a few of the smart and/or innovative details that is used to decorate and high-light various products in our assortment.


Logo bands

Most of our bags are equipped with customized and color matched logo bands to suit and enhance the design of our bag series. Logo bands are nowadays seen more and more frequently in the sport business and we see this design feature as a big and important part of our brand’s future.


Special made pullers

A small detail in various shapes and materials added on apparel, bags & goalie gear. Even though only a small piece of metal or plastic, it’s also a carefully designed detail that suits our brand the most.


End cap decals

A small detail on our various stick series. Matt or shiny, colorful or down scaled. Our end cap design is improved year by year.



All limited-edition sticks are delivered with our special made white limited edition straps to separate these drops from our inline models. The straps are matched with the customized end cap decals on all new drops.



With a few exceptions, all of our bags come with a woven hanger that could also be used as a keyring for our customers.



Stickers are fun. In the past few years, we have added stickers next to our stick guides as a gift for many new stick owners. Sticker packs are also added to all of our e-commerce orders.